Where is your favourite place to buy books?

As the title says where is your favourite place to buy books. Yes I know you can buy books from anywhere in the world. Online, book stores, market stalls and even local libraries sometimes sell books they no longer need.

I personally do look online more so when I’m waiting for a new book to be released. I honestly like delving around old book stores and even looking on market stalls and haggling with sellers. The best thing about this is that you never know what books your going to find.

When I go out and about looking for books I’m not looking for anything specific. If I see a book with a cover that immediately catches my eye I will go over and pick it up. Then before even turning it around I’m already hoping that the description of the book is going to be really good.

9/10 times I will find at least one book that I will like. I remember on one trip I came away with 7 books. Which I was really pleased with and also boosted my J.R.R Tolkien collection.

So where is your favourite place to buy books.

16 thoughts on “Where is your favourite place to buy books?

  1. My local library puts on a huge book sale every couple weekends starting in June and ending in September. They accept only donations and that goes back towards funding for different projects to better the library. You can give what cash you can or I’ve even seen people bring books as trade, I prefer to give cash every time and always what I think is fair for the amount of books I get. I’ve found some of my most favorite books there! But I agree I love shopping around old book stores and chatting with the employee about our favorite books and what we’ve read, giving each other recommendations. (and possibly becoming friends 😁)


  2. I really love this book store near me called the book centre. It is small and family owned. Huge wall to ceiling books. I walk out with a printer paper box full for around $50. I go maybe twice a year.
    Most times I have no money so I borrow from the library or find free ebooks.
    Recently I visited the dollar tree near me and found a few good books. I will be doing a haul post Friday on my blog for what I picked up from the dollar tree.
    I also bought the entire harry potter collection used from someone near me for only $10!!
    I often check local sales posts if i have some cash.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love the dollar tree! You can find some great books there, I just bought and finished Bell Weather from my local dollar tree and really enjoyed it!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Awe man. You’ll have to look around small book stores, library sales, etc. Online stores are always having sales. I want to shop Bookoutlet.com
        They have good deals

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I usually go to market stalls but they are hit and miss. The last time i bought 7 books I was overjoyed 😂 I will have to look online more to see what there is to choose from.


      3. Its just a dollar store or I guess it would be a £1 store for you right? I’ve heard of an equivalent called like poundland or something like that.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yeah, they don’t always have the best selection at the dollar store.. Every once in a while you find a gem though.

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